Should You Move from Products to Solutions? And more discussion on Agile Is Not a Product Management Framework

Should You Move from Products to Solutions?

It seems like nearly every company now is talking about how they want to move from selling “products” to selling “solutions,” and with good reason. By their nature, solutions are likely to be larger deals that are sold to higher levels within an organization. They often help establish and keep longer-term customer relationships, and can be much more profitable than product deals.

So, what’s not to like? Well, there are a few reasons why moving from products to solutions may not be the best idea — including the fact that even solution-focused companies still sell products. Read more in my post on the SiriusDecisions blog: Should You Move from Products to Solutions?

Agile Is Not a Product Management Framework (continued)

My previous post on the SiriusDecisions blog — Agile Is Not a Product Management Framework — has become one of the most viewed and most commented-on in only a few weeks. If you haven’t read the post yet, I (obviously!) recommend you give it a read. Or, if you read it when it came out, I suggest you read it again and read through the comments , both on the article and in a discussion in the Networking Product Management group on LinkedIn. If you agree, or disagree, or have something else to add, please add your thoughts as well.

What’s Hot on Twitter

Here are a few of my tweets which have generated the most interest over the past few weeks; to get these in real-time, follow me at @jefflash: