Three Tips for Planning Next Year’s Product Roadmap
September brings about the return of kids to school, cooling temperatures, and, for product managers, an opportunity to review plans for the next year’s roadmap. While SiriusDecisions recommends reviewing product roadmaps regularly – most often quarterly – the look ahead to the new calendar year is often the time when there is a more concerted effort to refine and revise the future roadmap, especially when it is tied into annual product planning and budgeting. Read more in my post on the SiriusDecisions blog: Three Tips for Planning Next Year’s Product Roadmap
SiriusDecisions 2018 Product Management Planning Assumptions
Speaking of looking ahead to 2018, every year at SiriusDecisions we publish research on new trends and important areas that deserve additional focus for the coming year. Our 2018 Product Management Planning Assumptions cover topics like merging agile concepts with product lifecycle management, cross-product coordination, and clarifying the range of product management responsibilities, and provide guidance to product management leaders on the actions they should take. You can download the 2018 SiriusDecisions Product Management Planning Assumptions to read the full list.
Upcoming Events
If you’re in the Seattle area, please join me the evening of Thursday, October 19 for this (free!) presentation I’ll be doing on Product Strategy on a Page. An effective product strategy needs to be well-thought out and comprehensive enough to cover all of the key elements while still being concise and focused enough to be easily communicated and understood. In this talk, I’ll define product strategy and share a template for developing, documenting and communicating product strategy. Learn more and register today!
Looking ahead to 2018, if you’re starting to look at your calendar and wondering what conferences you should attend, there’s two I’d (selfishly) recommend.
First, our annual SiriusDecisions Summit (May 8 – 11, 2018 at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas), where you can join more than 3,200 b-to-b sales, marketing and product leaders for four full days of data-driven best practices research, unveiling of new innovations across the b-to-b space, lots of networking and some fun activities as well. The schedule will be announced soon, but I can share that we’re planning some new things for the product management audience this year that you won’t want to miss. There’s even an early-bird discount if you register before December 31!
Second, our first-ever SiriusDecisions Summit Canada is happening March 1, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Toronto. In one day, you will learn how leading Canadian companies address growth, innovation and operational challenges. You’ll leave the event with a unique perspective on what’s working right now across the b-to-b space in Canada. There’s an early-bird discount through December 31 for this event too!
What’s Hot on Twitter
Here are a few of my recent tweets that have generated the most interest recently; to get these in real-time, join the 8400+ others who follow me at @jefflash:
"For the love of God, please tell me what your company does" (JL: Amusing and insightful thoughts on #prodmktg)
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) September 8, 2017
If you want #Product Managers to "own P&L," then you need to give them some way to control COSTS, not just impact revenue/growth. #prodmgmt
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) September 18, 2017
How too many companies budget for customer research… from @Dilbert_Daily #prodmgmt #prodmktg #ux
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) August 14, 2017
Minimum Viable Product DOESN'T = "lousiest product we can get away w/launching." Learn the right way: #LeanStartup
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) August 29, 2017
If you feel your product needs to fill lots of needs for lots of users, I ask: how many times a year so you actually USE a Swiss Army Knife?
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) August 22, 2017
I often get asked "How many hrs/wk should #prodmgmt spend on customer research/understanding?" My answer is usually "More than you are now."
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) July 26, 2017
Product managers need to make decisions based on imperfect or incomplete information. You can complain about it or embrace it. #prodmgmt
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) June 14, 2017
Telling #prodmgmt "get out of the office, talk w/customers" isn't useful unless they can do them WELL. Learn how:
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) September 11, 2017
This is great reading for any #b2b #prodmgmt, not just #startup: "Dear PMs: Rethink #Agile at Enterprise Startups"
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) June 12, 2017