How Product Teams Understand Customer Needs for Innovation
My colleague Rachel Young and I have been conducting research for the past year on how b-to-b organizations understand customer needs and apply them to product innovation. We will be unveiling this research at SiriusDecisions Summit in May as part of our presentation The Art and Science of Identifying and Prioritizing Customer Needs.
In this SiriusDecisions blog post, I share some insights from our research, including whether product managers and marketers felt they had a consistent process for understanding, prioritizing and applying needs, and what their roles and responsibilities were for uncovering needs. We’re also running a short five-minute survey to gather additional data on how well companies understand different types of customer needs for use in the innovation and go-to-market process, and the techniques product managers and marketers use to understand and respond to these needs. By participating in our survey on understanding customer needs for innovation, you’ll have the chance to lend your perspective and get access to a summary of the results.
Upcoming Product Management and Product Marketing Events
This is shaping up to be a very busy spring! Here are two events that I’m part of in the next few months at that I wanted to highlight:
- Product Marketing Community: The Toronto Conference (Friday, April 22): I’m very excited to be a keynote speaker and panelist at this first-ever conference, where I’ll be speaking on “Sorting Out Product Marketing and Product Management” and other product marketing related topics. It should be a great event — learn more and get your tickets today!
- SiriusDecisions Summit (May 24-27 in Nashville): I mentioned the presentation on The Art and Science of Identifying and Prioritizing Customer Needs above, but that’s just one of the reasons that product management professionals should attend Summit. This event brings together 2500+ b-to-b leaders for four full days of data-driven best practices research, unveiling of new innovations across the b-to-b space and networking with an elite community of sales, marketing and product leaders. For the first time, we’re also holding a Product Leadership Exchange that will feature a special presentation from SiriusDecisions just for product management leaders, case studies from product management leaders, a panel discussion and an opportunity to network with other product management leaders. This is one of the few events anywhere that is truly focused specifically on product management leaders and executives. Learn more about the Product Leadership Exchange and how you can be part of it.
What’s Hot on Twitter
Here are a few of my tweets that have generated the most interest recently; to get these in real-time, join the 6400+ others who follow me at @jefflash:
Everyone says #prodmgmt needs to say NO; but saying "not now" or "not yet" is less confrontational, reflects that plans/strategy may change
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) March 10, 2016
Not sure if I agree w/ approach of "The Interview Survey" but it's an interesting idea: #prodmgmt #prodmktg #ux
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) March 21, 2016
Excuses, Excuses! Why Companies Don’t Conduct User Research #prodmgmt #ux
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) March 21, 2016
Stop Asking Salespeople to Estimate Probabilities in Their Forecast Process! Great insight from @danatherrien #b2b
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) March 17, 2016
Product Management for the Enterprise; great post by @BlairReeves on how #b2b #prodmgmt is different than #b2c
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) March 14, 2016
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