Twas the Night Before Product Launch
’Twas the night before product launch, when all through the team
Not a developer was coding, nor crafting a meme
The landing pages were posted on the website with care,
In hopes BANT-qualified prospects soon would be there;The support staff were waiting on call at their desks,
While hoping the launch would not be a big mess
And marketers with personas, and I with my roadmap
Were hoping for revenue, acclaim and a nap.
And so begins my 2019 holiday-themed blog post: ’Twas the Night Before Product Launch: A SiriusDecisions Holiday Poem. If you enjoy the beginning, you’ll hopefully enjoy reading the rest of this holiday tale about a product launch that almost went off the rails.
Moving From On-Premises to SaaS: Product Management Implications
Though many newer organizations are building their products as software as a service (SaaS) from the beginning, many of the organizations I work with at SiriusDecisions still have a large number of their clients (and a large percentage of their revenue) dependent on on-premises versions of their software. For most of these organizations, a major priority is to migrate their technology – and customers – to the SaaS platform and put more focus and resources toward their SaaS offerings.
Companies transitioning legacy products from on-premises to software-as-a-service platforms must consider the impact on product management. In my blog post Moving From On-Premises to SaaS: Product Management Implications, I address some of the major considerations: an increased focus on agile, a new approach to launch, a new pricing/packaging strategy, and changes in metrics and measurement.
Product Management Planning for 2019
At the end of every year, at SiriusDecisions we look ahead to the major trends and areas that b-to-b leaders should be mindful of for the coming year. As we look ahead to 2019, we see increased recognition of product management as a key function, and growth in the discipline, though there are still challenges, and there is certainly room for improvement. My blog post Product Management Trends and Predictions for 2019 summarizes five of the key trends that product management leaders should focus on to enable improvements in the product management function – and the growth and success of the company – during the coming year.
You can also download a copy of the SiriusDecisions’ Product Management: Planning Assumptions 2019 to learn more about these trends — plus a “bonus” sixth trend — and learn how to stay ahead of the curve, or listen to a recorded on-demand webcast to hear my colleague Lisa Singer and I discuss these trends in more detail.
What’s Hot on Twitter
Here are some of my tweets that have generated the most interest recently, including one that is my most popular Tweet to date! To read more, or get these in real-time, join the 9300+ others who follow me at @jefflash:
A product manager saying they are too busy with internal meetings to spend time with customers is like a doctor saying they are too busy with picking out the magazines for their waiting room to spend time with patients.#product #prodmgmt
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) September 27, 2018
Agile product management tip of the day: Don't write user stories that start "As [persona X]" unless you've agreed on and documented "persona X."
Otherwise, you're passing yourself off as "user/customer-centric" but without shared understanding of the user.#prodmgmt #agile
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) September 10, 2018
Every Bad #ProdMgmt #Product Research Survey I’ve Ever Seen (part 1)
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) September 13, 2018
My kids weren’t impressed by the fact that I did a #prodmgmt presentation to ~1000 people at #industry18 yesterday but they were impressed by this “addition†I brought home to one of their favorite books (thanks @bjnovak!)
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) October 3, 2018
Getting on my grammar soapbox for my pet peeve phrase of the day: "New and Improved."
Something can't be both new AND improved; it can only be one or the other.
If it's NEW, it *didn't* exist before; but if it's improved, it must be better than something that already existed.
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) October 4, 2018
It's not enough to have metrics to gauge your product's success; you need a way to MEASURE those metrics.
Is the data you need being captured? Can you access it?
These #prodmgmt decisions need to happen as the product is being defined, not as you're preparing to release.
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) October 16, 2018
Russian Troll #HappyHalloween #dadjoke
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) October 31, 2018
Since it's Oct 1, this is a friendly #prodmgmt reminder to check your #product roadmap to see if what you said you'd deliver by the end of Q3 2018 is live.
If not… oops! Maybe you need a better way of documenting and communicating your roadmaps.
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) October 1, 2018
My neighbor is ushering in the holidays in his usual wonderful way; and then there’s my house.
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) November 27, 2018
If you've ever looked at something in the backlog and wondered "how did that get there?" from #prodmgmt #prodmktg #product #agile #ux
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) November 2, 2018
A turkey is just the minimum viable product version of a peacock.#prodmgmt #mvp #leanstartup #DeepThanksgivingThoughts
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) November 26, 2018
A big day and a new chapter for @SiriusDecisions and #prodmgmt leaders and their teams
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) November 27, 2018
The plural of anecdotes is not data, but a bunch of unsubstantiated opinions isn't data either, and I'll take anecdotes over opinions pretty much any day.#prodmgmt
— Jeff Lash (@jefflash) December 6, 2018